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out url icon Recercat Off-Diagonal Magnetoimpedance Dependence of Magnetostriction and Anisotropy in Co-Based and Fe-Based Amorphous Ribbons Sánchez, T. ; García, J. ; Santos Rodríguez, Jesús Daniel ; Escoda i Acero, Ma. Lluïsa ; Prida, V.M. ; Sánchez, M.L. ; Suñol Martínez, Joan Josep ; Hernando, Blanca
out url icon Recercat Off-Diagonal Magnetoimpedance Dependence of Magnetostriction and Anisotropy in Co-Based and Fe-Based Amorphous Ribbons Sánchez, T. ; García, J. ; Santos Rodríguez, Jesús Daniel ; Escoda i Acero, Ma. Lluïsa ; Prida, V.M. ; Sánchez, M.L. ; Suñol Martínez, Joan Josep ; Hernando, Blanca
out url icon Recercat 1 juny 2018 Off-Diagonal Magnetoimpedance Dependence of Magnetostriction and Anisotropy in Co-Based and Fe-Based Amorphous Ribbons
out url icon Recercat 5 juny 2018 Off-Diagonal Magnetoimpedance Dependence of Magnetostriction and Anisotropy in Co-Based and Fe-Based Amorphous Ribbons Sánchez, T. ; García, J. ; Santos Rodríguez, Jesús Daniel ; Escoda i Acero, Ma. Lluïsa ; Prida, V.M. ; Sánchez, M.L. ; Suñol Martínez, Joan Josep ; Hernando, Blanca
out url icon Recercat 15 febrer 2020 Off-Diagonal Magnetoimpedance Dependence of Magnetostriction and Anisotropy in Co-Based and Fe-Based Amorphous Ribbons Sánchez, T. ; García, J. ; Santos Rodríguez, Jesús Daniel ; Escoda i Acero, Ma. Lluïsa ; Prida Pidal, Victor Manuel de la ; Sánchez, M.L. ; Suñol Martínez, Joan Josep ; Hernando, Blanca
doc icon DUGiDocs 2010 Off-Diagonal Magnetoimpedance Dependence of Magnetostriction and Anisotropy in Co-Based and Fe-Based Amorphous Ribbons Sánchez Fernández, Tatiana ; García Fernández, Javier ; Santos Rodríguez, Jesús Daniel ; Escoda i Acero, Ma. Lluïsa ; Prida Pidal, Victor Manuel de la ; Sánchez, M.L. ; Suñol Martínez, Joan Josep ; Hernando, Blanca
doc icon DUGiImatges 10 abril 2000 Onades piroplàstiques Adri Pallí i Buxó, Lluís
out url icon DUGiDocs 12 abril 2024 On the generation of design allowables of composite coupons accounting for defects using a multi-fidelity approach Vallmajó Martín, Oriol
media icon DUGiMedia 31 maig 2023 On the high-velocity impact response of bio-inspired interleaved hybrid carbon-fibre reinforced polymer composites Kazemi, Erfan
doc icon DUGiDocs 31 maig 2023 On the high-velocity impact response of bio-inspired interleaved hybrid carbon-fibre reinforced polymer composites Kazemi, M.Erfan ; Médeau, Victor ; Greenhalgh, Emile S. ; Robinson, Paul ; Finlayson, James ; Pinho, Silvestre T.
out url icon Recercat On the Rule of Mixtures for Predicting Stress-Softening and Residual Strain Effects in Biological Tissues and Biocompatible Materials Elías-Zúñiga, Alex ; Baylon, Karen ; Ferrer Real, Inés ; Serenó, Lídia ; Garcia-Romeu, Maria Luisa ; Bagudanch Frigolé, Isabel ; Grabalosa Saubí, Jordi ; Perez Recio, Tania ; Martínez-Romero, Oscar ; Ortega-Lara, Wendy
out url icon Recercat On the Rule of Mixtures for Predicting Stress-Softening and Residual Strain Effects in Biological Tissues and Biocompatible Materials Elías-Zúñiga, Alex ; Baylon, Karen ; Ferrer Real, Inés ; Serenó, Lídia ; Garcia-Romeu, Maria Luisa ; Bagudanch Frigolé, Isabel ; Grabalosa Saubí, Jordi ; Perez Recio, Tania ; Martínez-Romero, Oscar ; Ortega-Lara, Wendy
out url icon Recercat 1 juny 2018 On the Rule of Mixtures for Predicting Stress-Softening and Residual Strain Effects in Biological Tissues and Biocompatible Materials
out url icon Recercat 5 juny 2018 On the Rule of Mixtures for Predicting Stress-Softening and Residual Strain Effects in Biological Tissues and Biocompatible Materials Elías-Zúñiga, Alex ; Baylon, Karen ; Ferrer Real, Inés ; Serenó, Lídia ; Garcia-Romeu, Maria Luisa ; Bagudanch Frigolé, Isabel ; Grabalosa Saubí, Jordi ; Perez Recio, Tania ; Martínez-Romero, Oscar ; Ortega-Lara, Wendy
doc icon DUGiDocs 2014 On the Rule of Mixtures for Predicting Stress-Softening and Residual Strain Effects in Biological Tissues and Biocompatible Materials Elías-Zúñiga, Alex ; Baylon, Karen ; Ferrer Real, Inés ; Serenó, Lídia ; Garcia-Romeu, Maria Luisa ; Bagudanch Frigolé, Isabel ; Grabalosa Saubí, Jordi ; Perez Recio, Tania ; Martínez-Romero, Oscar ; Ortega-Lara, Wendy
out url icon Recercat On the validity of linear elastic fracture mechanics methods to measure the fracture toughness of adhesive joints Sarrado Molina, Carlos ; Turon Travesa, Albert ; Costa i Balanzat, Josep ; Renart Canalias, Jordi
doc icon DUGiDocs 16 març 2015 On the validity of linear elastic fracture mechanics methods to measure the fracture toughness of adhesive joints Sarrado Molina, Carlos ; Turon Travesa, Albert ; Costa i Balanzat, Josep ; Renart Canalias, Jordi
doc icon DUGiDocs 1 juny 2018 Optimització al disseny de cilindres laminats Vial Serrat, Pau
doc icon DUGiDocs 7 febrer 2019 Optimització d’extracció de diluents no reactius en tintes / adhesius aplicats sobre substrats per a envasos flexibles Ricart Ferrer, Josep
doc icon DUGiDocs 27 abril 2018 Optimización del diseño de los filtros de arena utilizados en sistemas de riego por goteo Bové Masmiquel, Josep
doc icon DUGiDocs setembre 2017 Optimization of an enzymatic cocktail for obtaining cellulose nanofibers Monrós Garrigosa, Georgina
media icon DUGiMedia 27 juny 2022 Organink: Nanocelulosa y biopolímeros como base de negocio para EBT Espinosa Víctor, Eduardo
doc icon DUGiImatges 10 abril 2000 Orgues basàltics Saint Thibery Pallí i Buxó, Lluís
out url icon Recercat From paper to nanopaper: evolution of mechanical and physical properties González Tovar, Israel ; Alcalà Vilavella, Manel ; Chinga Carrasco, G. ; Vilaseca Morera, Fabiola ; Boufi, Sami ; Mutjé Pujol, Pere
doc icon DUGiDocs 2014 From paper to nanopaper: evolution of mechanical and physical properties González Tovar, Israel ; Alcalà Vilavella, Manel ; Chinga Carrasco, G. ; Vilaseca Morera, Fabiola ; Boufi, Sami ; Mutjé Pujol, Pere
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